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The Road To Better Recruiting

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Tom Sye Police Marketing FTO


Supercharge your outlook, enhance your marketing and police recruiting knowledge, and finally start attracting those high-quality Police Officer applicants you've been searching for with this transformational online police training course!

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Tom Sye Police Marketing FTO

Join Tom Sye, your Police Marketing FTO, and

founder of 'For Cops' Training, as he guides you

down the Road to Better Recruiting!

Inside our flagship course, you'll learn everything you need to start recruiting

like it's 2024 by using our Recruiting M.A.P., understand the Marketing  

Destinations being pitched to you by outside companies, be introduced to

Attraction Marketing and why it's the ideal vehicle to attract the type of 

applicants you are seeking, and give you some roadside protection for your

trip with Tom's three favorite Attraction Magnets that you can easily

implement to give your social media pages a quick boost!

For the first time ever, Tom is offering this course at a special introductory

price and is also throwing in four bonus lessons that will clear up

common misconceptions when getting started.  Plus, you'll get our 

Social Media Driver's Manual, Social Media Rap Sheet, and

Marketing Vehicle Blue Book Value Guide all designed to get

you up to speed quickly so you can start winning with recruiting!

Buckle up and get on the Road to Better Recruiting!

The road to...

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Look, I get it...there's not a whole lot to be excited about right now with the number of vacancies you're facing compared to the number of applicants you're getting. 

Worse still, when you do finally get someone to apply, it's hard to get them through your process or they end up going to another agency before you can hire them.  


In some cases, you may not even be getting any applicants at all!

All of it is incredibly frustrating, I know...I've been there.  

In response, companies are coming out of the woodwork at you, pitching their latest and greatest ideas to help you solve your 'hiring crisis'.


From recruiting videos to billboards, fancy new websites, and the most advanced proprietary system that is guaranteed to get you so many applicants you're not even gonna believe it, it's hard to know where to turn and can be overwhelming.  I got all those pitches at my agency too.  There's a lot of them and most of them look and sound great.     

The problem is...none of it works and you end up right back where you started thinking no one wants to work for your agency or be in this profession anymore.  

Based on everything you've experienced, it's no wonder you feel that way and I don't blame you one bit...but I've got good news.  That belief is simply not true


Yes.  Times are different, the climate is different, outlook is different...but you know what else is different?

Recruiting.  The days of simply opening up and thousands of people applying are long gone...and they're not coming back.  That's why I created this course.    

Whether you're the head of an agency who's tired of dumping endless dollars on methods that don't work...

A recruiting supervisor or marketing manager wondering what direction you should take...

Someone from Human Resources thrown into the mix of hiring more Police Officers...

A Public Information Officer who is well versed in handling the media but not necessarily recruiting...

Or anyone who is simply just trying to figure this whole thing out...


You're about to learn how to Recruit like it's 2024, and I'm giving you the tools you need to MAP out where you're going, understand the options being pitched to you, and how to attract the quality applicants who can not only make it through your process...but also want to work for you...and only you!

The Road to Better Recruiting starts here!

Tom Sye Police Marketing FTO
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Tom Sye Police Marketing FTO

I was a Background Investigator and Recruiter at the Glendale Police Department in Glendale, Arizona for well over a decade and after 20 years of police service, I retired in 2024 to focus on ‘For Cops’ Training - my online Police Marketing training academy committed to authenticity, innovation, positivity, understanding, and a success mindset that will help you become a knowledgeable, passionate, and powerful promoter of your agency in a way no one else possibly could.

As your Police Marketing FTO, I'm on a mission to teach law enforcement agencies my proven police officer recruitment strategies so you can meet your applicants where they're at, build a relationship with them, and show them that people like them work for you!  Or, as I like to call it - recruiting like it’s 2024!

You can rest assured that my social media channels, Marketing ‘For Cops’ Newsletters, YouTube videos, and online courses are all hell bent on one thing...

De-copifying your police recruiting one post, one lesson, and one agency at a time so we can restore the future of this awesome profession we all love so much. 

Welcome to the right side of vacancies!

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Tom Sye Police Marketing FTO
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Tom Sye Police Marketing FTO
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The Viral Dead End bonus lesson
Plus these 7 text graphic highlights
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Why Separate Social Media Accounts Are a Must bonus lesson

BONUS LESSON: The Viral Dead End
Learn why going viral should NOT be your goal if you are looking to consistently attract high quality police applicants.  

BONUS LESSON: Why Separate Social Media Accounts Are a Must
If you're using your agency's main social media page for recruiting purposes, this is the lesson you can't spend one more day without!

Hiring Standards vs. Hiring Preferences bonus lesson

BONUS LESSON: Hiring Standards vs. Hiring Preferences
Hiring standards should never be compromised in police recruiting...ever.  Use this lesson to make your standards are actually standards.  

Hiring Honey Hole bonus lesson

BONUS LESSON: Hiring Honey Hole
In this lesson, you'll discover the secret hiring honey hole that is full of plenty of high quality applicants and is sitting right under your nose.  

Social Media Driver's Manual bonus guide

Bonus Downloadable Guide:
Social Media Driver's Manual
Loaded with real world examples to keep you from crashing when getting started.

Social Media Rap Sheet bonus guide

Bonus Downloadable Guide:
Social Media Rap Sheet
All the information you need to determine which platforms are right for your agency. 

Marketing Vehicle Blue Book Value Gudie bonus guide

Bonus Downloadable Guide:
Marketing Vehicle Blue Book
Which method is best?  This guide will help you determine the real value of each.

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  • How does this course work?
    This is a learn at your own pace video training course available through the For Cops Training Portal and allows you to pause, go back and review, and take your time in absorbing all the information during the video(s). At the conclusion of the main video, you will unlock four bonus lessons which are set up in the same manner. You'll also have access to a downloadable .pdf bonus guide at the beginning of each module and we recommend downloading those right away, so you don't forget and lose access to them. After your purchase, you will have access to the course materials for a 2-day period which should be more than enough time to navigate the entire course, download and review the bonus guides, and re-review each lesson the following day if you would like.
  • Most other law enforcement training classes are live, why not this one?
    You're going to find that this course is a lot like drinking from a firehose and is loaded with information in a short amount of time. I designed this course for an online format to give you the time to take a break, go to the bathroom, answer that urgent email from your boss, and most importantly...give you an opportunity to come back and re-review the material at your own pace. We're not only on a mission to change the future of police recruiting...but the way you learn about it too!
  • How long will this class take?
    You should be able to complete this course, the first time around, in about four hours. Feel free to spend longer if you'd like...and again, don't forget to download the bonus .pdf guides so you can refer to them as much as you want later.
  • Who is this course for?
    The Road to Better Recruiting course is designed for those who are new to my Police Marketing Revolution and looking to change the future of police recruiting for their agency! Whether you're the head of an agency who's tired of dumping endless dollars on methods that don't work, a recruiting supervisor or marketing manager wondering what direction you should take, someone from Human Resources thrown into the mix of hiring Police Officers, a Public Information Officer who is well versed in handling the media and major incidents but not necessarily recruiting, or anyone who is simply just trying to figure this whole thing out... This course will give you the mindset it takes to succeed, a general plan to follow, the knowledge you need to decide which marketing/recruiting options are best for your agency, and the confidence to start using social media to recruit like it's 2024!
  • Can I share my course with co-workers?
    No. Each Road to Better Recruiting course purchase is intended for one user only, just like any other class you've taken live. Please help us honor this by not sharing your login credentials so we can continue serving you with this online, learn at your own pace format that is going to be so much more beneficial for you in the long run.
  • Is there a refund policy?
    We do not offer refunds for this class as users have complete access to the entire course with their first login. All For Cops Training courses are intended for serious learners who are hell bent on changing the future of recruiting at their agency and are 'all in' on making whatever changes are necessary to accomplish this. When you join the Police Marketing Squad as an online learner, know that I will do everything that I can to help you accomplish those goals and will return far more value back to you through the knowledge, experience, passion, lessons, and ideas my courses provide. That's my idea of a 'return' policy!
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